Divine Coconut



Coconut Oil

Divine Coconut WEBSITE Deliverables


GOOGLE ADWORDS must be activated Website Page Brand Image Colors: Baby blue, Brown, white and soft red (like the heart) See brochure
Introduction: Divine Coconut is certified Organic Virgin Coconut Oil It is made using Direct Micro Expeller Pressed Technology (DME-technology). This means it is cold pressed and produced within hours of opening the fruit unlike other brands that claim to be fresh but are actually dried, then heated and pressed after drying. DME-technology ensures the purest and highest quality coconut oil is ready for all your family’s needs.


All relevant Benefits of Coconut Oil can be added there is quite a bit available. This is what we will update regularly Photographs
ADD Product photos there are many that we have given as well as all those that are on our Facebook Pg Organic Certificate
INSERT PHOTO This is very important (FACEBOOK pg)
ICONS Theme Healthy Lifestyle
Yasmine Defouni, Certified Health Coach
Yasmine Nazmy, Certified Health Coach & VEGAN Food Expert
Shewekar ElGharably Certified Health Coach and Culinary Nutrition Expert


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This area must show pictures of past events that Divine Coconut was involved Can include photos and information for visitors to know about Books
Jars 1 is 500ML 148LE
Jar 2 200ML 70LE (a new one will soon be available)
It will look like a mini of the current jar
CONTACT U:S Must include an option to order Bulk